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Official Name:安烟墩村北侧长城1段
Our Name:大圪塄 / Da
Other Name: /
Period:汉 / Han Dynasty 206 B.C.~316A.D.
Location: 山西省,大同市,左云县,起点:山西省左云县三屯乡安烟墩村东北侧1千米;止点:山西省左云县三屯乡安烟墩村北侧0.9千米 / ShanXiSheng,DaTongShi,ZuoYunXian,QiDianShanXiShengZuoYunXianSanTunXiangAnYanDunCunDongBeiCe1QianMiZhiDianShanXiShengZuoYunXianSanTunXiangAnYanDunCunBeiCe09QianMi
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Details:长城类别:墙体 起点经纬高度:东经:112° 44′ 北纬:40° 09′ 海拔:1421 终点经纬高度:东经:112° 43′ 北纬:40° 09′ 海拔:1416 墙体走向: 墙体类别:土墙 结构特点及构筑方式:墙体基础为自然基矗墙体黄土夯筑而成,土中夹杂有碎石子。 现状:土墙。较差。按照墙体保存程度,可分为以下几种: 一般段落:共1段,即第一段,长390米。 较差段落:共1段,即第二段,长301米。
Type:土墙 Rammed earth wall
Protection Level:省保  
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
Distribution:visit location in Google Map
Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:140226382101040012
The original number submitted by the local government :140226382301040012
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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